Native American cultures also associate the drumming of the woodpecker with nature’s heartbeat. She teaches us about her tireless quest to seek knowledge and discoveries, secure her well-being with perseverance, and fiercely protect her progeny. Native American cultures also associate the woodpecker with intelligence and knowledge, mainly due to her digging and pecking habits. ( 2) Thus, the Native American meaning of the woodpecker is inseparable from the comfort and safety of the home. The woodpeckers’ nests, safely ensconced in holes dug in trees, are outstanding examples of safety and motherly protection. In many tribes, the woodpecker is a helpful spirit which protects and guides the growth of the home and family. The Native American meaning of the woodpecker is deeply connected to themes of home, safety, and protection. Related: 11 Tips to Attract Woodpeckers to Your Backyard Woodpecker Native American Symbolism Woodpeckers can also symbolize the following concepts: We must learn to protect ourselves while still doing our best to see the good in the world and act with generosity. Kindness and honesty are important, but can lead others to take advantage of us. Woodpeckers remind us that life is a balancing act. The woodpecker can be a powerful symbol for self-actualization. Woodpeckers can also symbolize the value of marching to the beat of your own drum. Be it an old abandoned project, a forgotten goal or dream, or a neglected relationship, the woodpecker gives us the courage and motivation to seek revival. Creativity and optimism are valuable virtues which the woodpecker can help us to access. This awareness helps us to tap into our natural talents. Having the awareness to appreciate the woodpecker and its wisdom can help one to recognize chances to grow and expand. The woodpecker often symbolizes the new opportunities that come knocking into our lives it reminds us that we must answer the call of opportunity or otherwise remain ignorant and stagnate. The woodpecker teaches us to look beneath the surface of things and to open up our minds to the hidden meanings, lessons, and opportunities that life on earth has to offer. The woodpecker is connected to pattern recognition, rhythm, and communication.

Woodpecker teach us to broaden our horizons, embrace new opportunities, protect the vulnerable, and think creatively. This fascinating group of birds appear in a number of cultural traditions and can impart great deal of wisdom upon the curious observer.

The symbolism of the woodpecker is vast and varied.